Resident Petition:
No Parklets in Belmont Shore

Long Beach city officials should take a stand and legislate that no permanent parklets or similar structures be allowed on Second Street or around Belmont Veterans Memorial Pier.

(Full Petition text at bottom)

We, as local residents, call for the Mayor, Council Members and all city departments to cease all efforts to implement any permanent parklets and similar OAPs and OEPs* on Second Street and in the area surrounding Belmont Veterans Memorial Pier, and legislate against any such future development.

Permanent parklets and similar installations would result in irrevocable harm to the safety, geography, aesthetics, financial well being, and quality of life for residents and other businesses in the area by:

  • Reducing available parking in an already heavily parking-impacted area

  • Increasing impediments to pedestrian access, especially for the disabled

  • Creating traffic obstructions that further impair vehicle movement and pose new traffic hazards

  • Giving away public land to exclusively benefit select bars and restaurants

  • Creating and amplifying sanitation issues with vermin, trash and standing water

  • Pushing already extensive parking hurdles from the main streets to side streets where residents and their families live, work and play

In recognition of these and other considerable impacts to the Belmont Shore area of the Third District, I hereby add my name to the list of residents in opposition to all permanent parklets and similar installations on Second Street and the Pier area, and call for city leaders to halt and prohibit all such efforts.

* OAP = Outdoor Activity Permit. OEP = Occasional Event Permit
